Thursday, April 29, 2010

Kindergarten Flashforward

3 1/2 hours with twenty-six kindergartners and a vivid imagination lends itself to inventing a very fascinating future for each of the little munchkins. Take Jeffery, for instance. His nickname is "Kissy Boy"; he thinks he is quite the ladies' man. My own daughter has been given permission to plant a left hook on his nose if he ever tries to plant a kiss on her. Scoot about 14 years into the future and I can see good 'ol Jeffery spewing out the most lame pick up lines on poor, unsuspecting co-eds.
Then there is Dillon. Even at age six he holds the door open for the teacher, tells the other boys to quit chasing the girls, and shares his crayons with anyone at the table. Dillon, the future pediatrician who will never quite realize just how adorable he really is.
Of course, every class has a Shelby. I actually grew up next to Shelby's mom and always thought she was kind of mean. Is it inherited? Will Shelby's kids purposely give their fellow classmates the stink eye when they reach for a swing they were just about to take for themselves?
Elijah- well his mom already tells him which girls are marriage material for when he's older. My daughter is at the top of her list, so she's told me. Twenty years from now he'll probably be quite the cutie, but his mom is going to by way too involved in his dating life.
Then you can find the resident varsity athlete, class president, captain of the debate team,  found in sweet, tall, blonde Jocelyn with a genuinely nice smile for everyone. 
I almost forgot about poor, crazy little Matthew. He freaks out when the toilet flushes, the fire alarm sounds, or when glue gets on his hand. He is going to make some psychiatrist very, very rich some day. 
Rayn, is, by any account, too adorable and she knows it. Today she asked if I make my daughter call me 'mom' because she calls her mom Teresa. She's going to have her own business and be the one calling all the shots in her life. 
No way could I be a kindergarten teacher, but this afternoon was a pretty good time. Gotta love those crazy little kids!

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